Politifact.org "Lie of the Year 2015"
He amazingly claims to be a "self-made" man. Saying his father gave him a "small loan" of $1 million dollars to get started. Of course when his father Fred Trump died he did leave Donald a few hundred million dollars. So that makes him the perfect example of the guy who was... "Born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple!"
Everything he says is designed to garner a reaction. And the more people react, the more outrageous he gets. However, his single most disqualifying act, the act that speaks directly to who he is as a human being, was when he cruelly mocked a physically handicapped reporter in front of thousands of supporters. This reporter had the temerity to report that Trump was making up the story that "thousands of Muslims were on rooftops cheering the towers coming down on 9/11". See, that is a classic Trump tactic. He'll say THOUSANDS, when there might have been 9. You say he's lying, and he'll point to the 9 and say "Who's to say there were not thousands more we don't know about?" But back to the mocking of the afflicted. Trump was so outraged, that he felt the need to curl his arms and press his chin into his chest, doing his best Stephen Hawking impersonation, and start to speak as this reporter in a manner one might associate with a mentally disabled person. It was clear. It was unambiguous. He was playing it for laughs.
Once the disbelieving press rightly called him on this behavior, Trump DENIED doing it! Are you going to believe HIM or your lying eyes? He can't walk that back, and I can't un-see it.
I am the proud parent of a 4 year old autistic girl that is the light of my life. The thought that a schoolyard bully, and that is what he is, could be elected president of this country and that people would somehow think that it's OK to mock and bully my little girl, because after all, the PRESIDENT is doing it, just makes me shake with rage.
This is not about his hair, or his spray tan or his "strong hands". It goes MUCH deeper than that, though his vanity does play into it. His nature is to bully and insult his way through obstacles. Here is a short, very abbreviated list of examples:
Huge proponent of "Birtherism" (Barack Obama is NOT a US citizen, therefore not legitimate)
Illegal immigrants from Mexico are rapists and drug smugglers (Though some are good people...whew)
Islam hates us, and all Muslims should be banned from entering the US.
John McCain is only a war hero because he got caught. Trump likes the competent ones who did not get caught and spend years as a POW.
Carly Fiorina is too ugly for people to vote for.
Sen. Marco Rubio is "Little Marco"
Sen. Ted Cruz is "Lyin' Ted"
Mitt Romney would have "Dropped to his knees if I'd had asked him too"
Women who have abortions should face criminal punishment.
He would bring back medieval forms of torture "Worse than Waterboarding", because other countries do it.
I've not even gotten to any of his proposed policies, but I don't really need to (not that he HAS any real policies). All of this should be enough to convince anyone of the absurdity of his candidacy. If anyone can envision a person that would behave like this sitting in the Oval Office, making life and death decisions about the future of this country and the world, then they are the other part of the problem. What Trump likes to call... an "Enabler".
Please look ONE MORE TIME at that video of him mocking that disabled man and ask yourself if you could imagine Pres. Obama ever in a million years doing that. Ask yourself if you are OK with a person that would even THINK of doing that being the leader of your country and it's face to the rest of the world.
I'm sure I will have more to say on this as the campaign ensues, but for now...
Gavin Guerra
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